Consumer-owned distributed generation represents a major change in the relationship between the electrical cooperative and the consumer. Connecting consumer-owned generation to the electrical grid turns the consumer into an independent power producer.

Many consumers are not aware of the issues involved in power interconnection, production, and delivery. This guide is an attempt to provide basic, useful information for those considering consumer-owned distributed generation.

First and foremost, the cooperative will emphasize:

  1. Safety - Taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of cooperative personnel, the consumer, and the general public.
  2. Reliability - Performing necessary tasks to protect and maintain the reliability and integrity of the power grid.
  3. Cost Fairness - Operating with fairness to other member-consumers of the cooperative from a cost causation perspective.
  1. The cooperative and the member-consumer must work together in connecting distributed generation to the grid.
  2. The cooperative and member-consumer must follow any applicable federal or state laws, regulations, and codes.
  3. A written agreement between the cooperative and the member-consumer is required to facilitate a safe, reliable, and fair connection of the facility to the grid.

Consumer-owned distributed generation can utilize various methods of power generation. Wind turbines and anaerobic digesters are talked about the most in our service territory. Each technology has different specific requirements. Your electric cooperative network has developed special rates, programs, and interconnection requirements for consumer-owned distributed generation.