Oahe Electric has a very attractive incentive and rebate plan available to it's consumers. Here is a list of what we offer:

All heating equipment must be new. Members are eligible for ONE heating rebate once every 10 years per structure.

1. Electric Furnace OR Electric Boiler OR Resistance Heat (8 KW minimum)

  • 100% efficient
  • $200 rebate
  • 5.5 cents per kwh for heating usage

2. Air Source Heat Pump WITH Electric Furnace Backup

  • 250% efficient
  • $600 rebate
  • 5.5 cents per kwh for heating and cooling usage
  • Must be energy star rated and meet the DOE standard for HSPF efficiency

3. Ductless Air Source Heat Pump (Minisplit)

  • 250% efficient
  • $300 rebate
  • 5.5 cents per kwh for heating usage
  • Must be under 2 tons

4. Geothermal Source Heat Pump

  • 350% efficient
  • $600 rebate
  • 5.5 cents per kwh for heating and cooling usage


All electric heating and cooling systems will have their usage recorded by a sub meter. Oahe Electric must be notified by member or electrician of the need for a sub meter installation.

  • Sub meter must be install on the outside of the structure
  • If breaker to sub meter is turned off, all usage will be billed at the regular rate of 9 cents per kwh, instead of the reduced rate of 5.5 cents per kwh
  • Air conditioning must be controlled by load management to receive reduced rate of 5.5 cents per kwh. Ductless Air Source Heat Pumps are not able to be controlled.

All water heaters much have a lifetime warranty (i.e. - Marathon, Westinghouse, HTP Everlast or Vaughn), have a minimum of 50-gallon capacity, and be controlled by load management. Members are only eligible for rebate once every 10 years per structure.

  • $6 per gallon rebate
  • $4 monthly bill credit

Commercial accounts are eligible when replacing less efficient lighting with more efficient lighting. Must have a minimum of 250 watts in lighting reduction to qualify.

  • 20 cents per watt reduction rebate
  • Maximum payment per structure is $1,000

Must be able to receive notice regarding load control via email, text or voice with less that a 15-minute delay. Also must provide Oahe Electric with customer bypass information.

  • One-time, $750 rebate per device


Your rate will be 9 cents per kWh and you will receive no rebates.

An electric furnace is 100% efficient. An air to air heat pump is 250% efficient. And lastly, a geothermal heat pump is 300% efficient. 

Well, for every $1 it costs you to operate an electric furnace, you get $1 of heating value out of it. Now, with a heat pump for every $1 it costs you to operate it you get $2.50 worth of heating value out of it. A heat pump does not have to heat an element or burn a fuel to create warmth. It simply extracts heat energy from cold air, and then concentrates it with a compressor to a temperature that can be used in your home for heating.

Statistics have shown that a modern home will use an average of 15,000 kWh's per year (15,000 kWh's x .055 cents per kWh = $825/year for heating and cooling). Divided by 365 days per year, it would cost you $2.26 per day to heat and cool your home. Using an electric furnace and A/C unit your usage will be higher because an electric furnace is 100% efficient where a heat pump is 250% efficient.

A gas furnace is only 90% efficient! That's right! For every $1 it costs you to operate a gas furnace you get .90 cents worth of heating value out of it.

Statistics have shown that a modern home will use around 100 decatherm's per heating season. At $8.00 per decatherm this would cost you $800 per heating season. Plus, your cooling costs will be at the higher rate from Oahe Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Please listen closely to our area heating and cooling contractors as they answer your questions. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Oahe Electric Cooperative, Inc. at rhohn@oaheelectric.com , oahe@oaheelectric.com or call us at 1-800-640-6243.